Mr. Brooks' School Facts
Test Objectives Unit 4 (Climate and Weather)
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Unit 3 Objectives- Oceans and Climates

Unit 3 Objectives- Oceans and Climates


1.     Students will be able to describe the greenhouse effect and list the factors that cause it.

            Buzz words:


carbon dioxide



global warming


ocean action




2.     Students will be able to describe the differences of Temperature and

      atmosphere for the Planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth, and      explain why these differences exist.


3.     Students will be able to describe the problems caused by ozone depletion and be able to describe how and why ozone depletion occurs.

            Buzz words:

ultraviolet radiation


life span


skin cancer



4.     Students will be able to describe how land and water cool differently. Be able to describe how color affects rate of heating and how mixing sand and water effects heating (how does evaporation play a part in this?).


5.     Be able to describe the water cycle and heat exchange (see picture on page 146 in text book). Review exploration number 4.


6.     Be able to define DEW POINT. Describe how to determine dew point and

      what it means to us. What happens in the atmosphere when dew point is



7.     Be able to describe what Lake Effect Snow is and how elevation affects temperature.


8.     Be able to list and give a short description of the six hidden marvels found in  your text book.

Buzz Words:

Hawaii volcanoes

Abyssal Plains

Mid-Ocean Ridges

Undersea Canyons

Marianas Trench

Gulf Stream


9.     Be able to describe the solution to Count Luigi Marsilis puzzle.


10. Be able to define and calculate DENSITY. You should be able to determine when a object will float or sink using the concept of density.


11.  Be able to describe what a HYDROMETER is and how it works.


12. Be able to describe the four main type of air masses and what type of

      Weather would be associated with each and the general location from which they tend to come from.

Continental polar

Continental tropical

Maritime polar

Maritime tropical


13. Be able to name and describe all the parts of a weather map. Included will be:


cold front

warm front

 stationary front


high pressure

low pressure


14. Be able to describe all of the factors which influence climate. Be able to

      predict climate given these conditions.

            Elevation      Altitude          Water proximity      populations


15. Be able to name the four parts of the atmosphere and give a brief description of what is important about each part (page 172).


16. Be able to define and describe pressure. Describe how force and pressure are related.


17. Be able to describe the units of pressure and make conversions from one unit to the next.

1.0 Atmosphere =  14.7 lbs/in2  = 101 kPa  = 101,000 Pa = 76.0 cm Hg                 

Newtons /m2  =  Pascals


18. Be able to describe the Coriolis Effect. Explain how currents flow due to this effect.


19. Be able to describe El Nino and La Nina. What are the effects of this phenomena?


20. Be able to describe how hurricanes form and what makes hurricanes.


21. Be able to name and describe the world winds you discussed in class.

       Included will be doldrums, trade winds, horse latitudes.


22.  Be able to define BAROMETER and explain how one works.