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Unit 1 Test Objectives
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Science Objectives Chapter 1A

Science Objectives Chapter 1A


1.     Be able to list and explain the steps of the scientific method

a. define the problem          b. state a hypothesis  

c. experiment            d. communicate


2.     Be able to identify the independent and dependent variable in a hypothesis.


    3.   Be able to describe how plants are responsible for all food on earth.


3.     Be able to recite and describe the equation for Photosynthesis.


4.     Be able to describe and identify the various tests that were used in class to prove the equation for photosynthesis.  Included will be:

a. iodine test for starch           b. Limewater test for Carbon Dioxide

c. Glowing Splint test for Oxygen        d. Flaming Splint test for CO2


5.     Describe how Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Bicarbonate were used to

     modify a closed atmosphere in experiment number three.


6.     Be able to list the reactants of photosynthesis.


7.     Be able to list the products of photosynthesis.


8.     Be able to describe stoma and guard cells, explain how guard cells work together for the advantage of the plant.


9.     Be able to identify, draw, and describe the functions of the various internal structures of a leaf.


10.  Be able to describe the theory of colors as it was described in class,  explaining how color makes a difference in photosynthesis.


11.  Be able to describe the experiment of Von Helmont showing what flaws he made in his plant growth experiments.


12.  Be able to describe simple differences between the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis.


13.  Be able to describe the relationship between sugar and starch and how these two substances are part of photosynthesis


14.  Be able to describe the parts and function of the microscope. Included will be  terms resolution. Magnification, and surface area.