Classroom Rules
Mr. John W. Brooks
Bloomfield Hills Middle
Two rules supersede all others:
All students have the right to learn.
The Teacher has the right to teach.
Specific Classroom
1. You are expected to come to class prepared, ALWAYS bring
pencil or pen, and your notebook.
2. Be
respectful of others, this includes (but is not limited to):
listening when others talk
accepting the view point of others
keeping your hands to yourself
respecting the property of others
helping those who need help
3. Come to class with a prepared, mature mind.
4. If you are having a bad day, do not allow it to affect
5. Obey all safety rules and guidelines of the teacher, at
all times, but
in the lab. Safety is job ONE.
6. Homework:
homework is asked for, you will show your assignment to Mr. Brooks, and he will
check it off in his assignment folder. Then you will place the assignment in
the folder for your class, located on the folder cart found next to Mr. Brooks
On the day that homework is due,
it must be presented at the beginning of the period. It is not acceptable to print a paper at the
start of class or finish any project when the assignment is due. If you
are not done at the time the assignment is called for IT IS LATE work.
Late work will be penalized by
half credit. You have two weeks from the date the assignment is
due or the assignment will be recorded as a zero. You will be given one-day grace for each day
of an excused absence.
If you have
homework or lab reports to turn in late, they must be turned in to MR.
BROOKS, not placed on his desk or in any folder. This eliminates the
possibility of any of your late work getting misplaced or lost. When late work
comes in, Mr. Brooks will check it off on his assignment folder.