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Syllabus for Science
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Eighth Grade Science

Bloomfield Hills Middle School


TEXTBOOK : Science Plus Technology and Society (Level Blue), 2002 Edition


Eighth grade Science will be a course which will be dominated by laboratory activity and the inquiry method of learning. Students will be asked to complete experiments and form conclusions about the meaning of these experiments. Classroom discussions will assure the assimilation of new concepts with concepts about science that are all ready developed in students. Our spiral approach to Science ensures that students will learn about all the disciplines of Science during the course of eighth grade.


UNIT 1- Photosynthesis and Plant Structures-

 Students will engage in a series of experiments to help them develop the equation for photosynthesis.  They will also study leaves and identify structure and functions of leaves. They will also develop an understanding of how photosynthesis is part of the water cycle, and why animals and plants are essential for each other. This material is mostly from chapter one of the Science Plus textbook.



UNIT 2- Respiration and Animal Structures

Students will be able to describe the symbiotic relationship between animals an

Plants, and describe the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration. They will also develop a basic understanding of systems of structures in living things. This material is primarily from chapters 2 and 3 of the Science Plus textbook.




UNIT 3- Weather, Climate, Atmosphere, and Water

Students will learn through experimentation the fundamentals of how land, sea, and air interact to create both weather and climate. They will discuss the effects of global climatic change, and how man influences the environment, for good and bad. These topics can be found in chapters 10, 11, and 12 of our textbook.



UNIT 4- Chemistry

The fundamentals of the periodic table will be discussed. The student will also develop an understanding of types of matter, with emphasis on solution chemistry. This unit is not a part of the Science Plus textbook.


UNIT 5- Sound

The student will complete a series of experiments to help understand the characteristics of sound. They will develop an understanding of the wave model of sound, and create speakers and musical instruments.  This material is mostly found in chapters 16, 17, an 18 of our textbook.






UNIT 6- Light

This unit will focus on the components of the electromagnetic spectrum. Students will also learn about light characteristics and behavior. Diffraction, reflection, and refraction will be a few of the topics that will be discussed. This material is found mostly in chapters 20, 21, and 22 of our textbook.


UNIT 7-Continuity of Life

This unit will introduce the students into the structure and function of DNA, RNA, and proteins. This unit will also introduce mitosis and meiosis. Genetics will be the main focal point of this unit, as students learn about sex-linked and autosomal genetic characteristics. Students will make punnett squares and use probability to  determine the likelihood of offspring obtaining any given trait.  This material is found mostly in chapters 22 and 23 of our textbook.








A.     Standard Based Grading System

90-100                       A

80-89                            B

70-79                            C

60-69                            D

Below 60        E


  1. Percentages will be based on points accumulated on various assignments made during the course of the year.


C.    Breakdown of Points

1.  Tests   20-30%

    1. mostly objective- matching, multiple choice, fill in the blank
    2. some essay

2.  Activity Projects 40 50 %

           Assignments such as laboratory reports, cooperative group projects,

           written reports, PowerPoint or web based assignments.

3.       Homework  20 30 %

Questions from the textbook, worksheets, or short research assignments  will be part of the student grade.

4.       Class Notebook  5 10%

During the course of each marking period, you will be asked to turn in a notebook which reflects all the work which we have done in class.  You will be asked to turn in notes, worksheets and other assignments that we worked on during the marking period.

5.       Extra Credit- There will be opportunities for extra credit from time to

      time during the marking period.  You can also brainstorm and come up

      with an idea that will benefit you and the whole class, for extra credit.

      Extra credit must be student initiated and approved by the teacher

      before it will be considered for credit.

6.       Behavior is considered an extra ingredient, which can only enhance

      your grade.  No point value will be awarded. However exemplary

       behavior could slightly improve your grade.  If your behavior in a

       laboratory situation is hazardous to other students, you will be

      sat down and loss of credit could result.

D.    Accounting of your Grade

1.      It is expected that you will keep track of assignments and of your points  in your class journal.

2.      I will also post your grades on my web site, understand

      that in some cases it will take several days in order for late

      work to be reflected on my grade sheets. PLEASE BE    


3.      If there are long term (one or two week) discrepancies

     between what you think your grade is and what I have on 

     the grade sheet, I will be glad to sit down with you before or

    after school to rectify the situation.  THIS CAN NOT