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Objectives for Unit 2
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Objectives for Unit 1-B, Respiration and Body Systems

Objectives for Unit 1-B, Respiration and Body Systems



1.              Students will be able to define DIFFUSION and identify or give examples of diffusion.

2.              Students will be able to explain how and why diffusion takes place.

3.              Students will be able to define OSMOSIS and identify or give examples of osmosis.

4.              Students will be able to explain how and why diffusion takes place.

5.              Students will be able to identify and define the terms ISOTONIC, HYPOTONIC, and HYPERTONIC, and explain how these types of solutions effect osmosis.

6.              Students should be able to describe the differences in types of membranes as permeable, impermeable, and semi permeable.

7.              Students should be able to define TRANSPIRATION and explain why it is so important to plants and other living things.

8.              Students should know the answers to the 15 basic questions asked in the water web quest (aka- sticky nature, universal solvent, water cycle, ect.

9.              Students should be able to identify and explain each of the theory of water movement in plants. Included will be

a. root pressure                       b. cohesion             c. air pressure changes

d. adhesion (capillary action           )

10.         Students will be able to define density. You should be able to apply the equation D= m/v. Given any two of these factors, you will be asked to determine the other variable (ex.- given Density and mass, find the volume).

11.         Students should be able to describe the negative feedback system of the endocrine system.

12.         Students will be able to explain what respiration is, and how glucose and ATP work together in a cycle for the energy demands of living things.

13.         Students should be able to explain the relationship between respiration, breathing, and pulse rate.

14.         Students should be able to give a short description of the six body systems that were part of the Body Systems project.

15.         Students should be able to describe the problems associated with the Critical balance of plants and animals on the planet earth.