Mr. Brooks' School Facts
Unit Six Objectives
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Objectives for Unit 5 Test (Sound)

Objectives for Unit 6 Test (Sound)



  1. Students will be able to describe how sound waves change (frequency and amplitude) as pitch and loudness changes.


  1. Students will be able to describe the relationship between wavelength, frequency and the speed of sound.


  1. Students will be able to apply the equation λ * ע = c. You will be given two of the three variables.


  1. Students will be able to describe the different abilities of animals to hear.


  1. Students will be able to describe how different mediums and temperature effect the speed of sound.


  1. Student should be able to describe and calculate the speed of sound.


  1. Students should be able to describe how echoes can be used to see.


  1. Students should be able to describe the three sections of the ear, and name the parts of each section.


  1. Students should be able to describe the pathway of sound in humans.


10.Students should be able to describe how loudness is measured and explain what decibels are.


11.Students should be able to explain the relationship between health, loudness, and noise pollution.


12.Students should be able to describe what sound qualities are.


13. Students should be able to describe what the Doppler effect is and how it works.