Feel free to navigate around this site and to find things that might be of interest to you
This web site is a terrific way to access the information you need about Mr. Brooks' Science and Social Studies Classes, as
well as serving as an educational resource. Whether you're currently enrolled or just curious about what we have to offer,
you're sure to find a wealth of helpful information.

2004-05 School Year
WOW...We are starting another school year. I hope your last year of middle school is your best year
of school yet! Bookmark this web site becasue lots of things like grades, extra credit assignments, and some fun and nifty
links will come down your way. We are going to start the year with our unit on Photosynthesis and Respiration. The great news
is that we have new textbooks, the latest edition of the highest rated series in the world (according to AAAS), Science Plus.
Hills Middle School 4200 West Quarton Rd Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
